Returns Policy

We offer returns or exchanges within 30 days of receiving orders. Orders can be returned for a different product of equal value or a refund to the original payment method. Delivery and re-delivery shipping costs are the responsibility of the Customer. 

We may offer to repair, replace, or refund at our discretion if the goods sold meet the following conditions:

  • Product is not of merchantable quality
  • Product does not match the product technical specifications online
  • Product contains defects or faults
  • Product is not fit for the purchase as described online

Please note the following exceptions to our return and exchange policy:

  • Discounted or Sale items are final and cannot be returned or exchanged
  • All items must be in brand new condition (unused) to be eligible for a return or exchange. If an item is received back to our warehouse and is deemed to be used, we will notify the Customer via email and return the goods back

We are not obliged to issue a refund, credit, or exchange if:

  • The Customer changed their mind, no longer want the goods or just don’t like them
  • The Customer found the same or similar goods elsewhere for a cheaper price
  • The price of The Customer's purchased item is adjusted online or in-store and is now cheaper after the purchase date

Once a Returns Request has been submitted by the Customer and we have assessed it, an update will be provided. If an item can be repaired, our Team will complete the returns and ship the repaired product back out to the Customer.

If the product is to be refunded, we will process the refund to the payment method used. Please allow up to 14 days for refunds to be processed upon our receipt of the goods. If a product is to be exchanged, the replacement item will be sent upon return of the original item. Tracking information will be emailed once the product has been dispatched.

The amount refunded will depend on the reason for the return. If the Customer has received:

  • a damaged, faulty or the incorrect product, a refund of both the product and delivery costs will occur
  • a product that the Customer no longer wishes to purchase; only the product cost will be refunded upon it being returned in brand new and unused condition if we receive it within 30 days from the date it was originally received

For return requests please fill out the form on the contact us page.